15/11/02 - Australian Suppliers
A few new Australian MX-5 Aftermarket Suppliers
The MX-5 factory in Melbourne. Dick Richey and Tony Petropoulos have a fully equipped workshop and offer a broad range of products to modify your MX-5, view the website here.
MX5 MANIA. Simone and David Raddatz are the founders of MX5 Mania. Together they have many years of experience when it comes to MX5's. MX5 Mania is a newly established company specialising in the performance and enhancement of your MX5, view the website here.
Guru Torque Biasing Differentials. GURU Racing has produced a automatic torque biasing differential, it is designed to prevent loss of drive to wheels without locking together, while still applying some torque to the slipping wheel, view the website here.
- 27/06EOI Timed Motorsport at Jack's Hill
- 18/02New Life Member - Don Messenger
- 05/04CANCELLED S12R2 this Sunday 10/04/22 CANCELLED
- 05/032022 Motorsport ENTRIES NOW OPEN
- 25/01Saturday Night Burger Run - Alfreds
- 23/01Monthly Committee Meeting
- 15/01After Work Get Together Picnic at Chidley Point
- 12/01Meadow Springs to The Thorny Devil Brewery
- 02/02Monthly Cruise - Jarrahdale LPO Kitchen
- 02/02Southern MX-5
Mandurah To The Jarrahdale LPO Kitchen - 08/02Annual Dinner @ The Empire Bar
- 16/02Southern MX-5
Southern MX5s Breakfast Run - 19/02Afterwork Get Together - Run Amok Hotdogs
- 27/02Monthly Committee Meeting
- 02/03Monthly Cruise - 3 Dams & a Weir
- 09/03Southern MX-5
Southern MX-5s Old Coast Road Brewery - 11/03After Work Get Together - Croquet
- 22/03Saturday Cruise - Bring a Plate and a Date
- 27/03Monthly Committee Meeting
- 30/03Dawn BreakFast Raid - Orchard Espresso Roleystone
- 06/04Country Cruise - 5 Valley Dash
- 13/04Southern MX-5
Southern MX-5s Lazy Crab Restaurant, Bouvard - 18/04M-EGGS-5 Good Friday Eggstravaganza
- 24/04Monthly Committee Meeting
- 11/05Southern MX-5
Southern MX-5s REC Hotel, Waroona - 22/05Monthly Committee Meeting