Wednesday 21st of March 2018 - After Work Get Together - Nedlands Croquet Club
You’ve got Mallets, blue, black, red and yellow balls, a bunch of hoops and a number of variations on the Rules of Play. Sounds confusing? Well join us for the club’s Annual Croquet Night at Nedlands Croquet Club at the Corner of Melvista Avenue / Bruce Street in Nedlands (the entrance is off Melvista Avenue near the corner of Archdeacon Street). Make your own way there in time for a 6 pm start.
The Croquet Club provides the gear and instructors to keep us on the straight and narrow. The MX-5 Club will be putting on pizza and provide drinks.
Costs for the tuition, equipment hire, use of the playing field, food and drinks is just $20 per person.
Please RSVP to before 16 March so we can confirm our arrangements with the Croquet Club and work out how many we are catering for.
It is a good opportunity for potential members to come along, have a chat in an informal setting, and find out more about the club.
Attendees at 0900 17th March 2018 / Now Closed!: -
Paul & Judith Andriessen
Ray & Jennie Brown
Ray & Irene Cottrell
Steve Harris
Anne Little
Helen & Jurgen Lunsmann
Carol & Don Messenger
Dave Saunders
Aart Ter Kuile
Lyall Tilson
Bev & Gary Wotzko
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